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Tensions are building between NIPSCO and the Citizen Action Coalition of Indiana over the utility's proposal to build a new natural gas peaking plant.
The Southeast Alliance for Clean Energy's report found that despite being responsible for 40% of all new investments in EV manufacturing, sales in the Southeast range from only 2.5% to 7% of vehicle sales, below the national average.
The Virginia SCC approved Appalachian Power's purchases under the state renewable portfolio standard for the next fiscal year.
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy's 2023 scorecard for utilities revealed that many utilities are not prioritizing energy efficiency as they focus on decarbonization and resiliency.
The Virginia State Corporation Commission ordered Dominion Energy to suspend new interconnection rules it implemented without seeking the regulator's approval.
Eos Energy Enterprises prides itself on procuring most of its raw materials within a day’s drive of its plants in Turtle Creek, Pa.
Duke Energy Progress and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency filed a settlement with FERC regarding the latter using batteries to shave its peak demand.
North Carolina regulators approved two on-bill-financed residential energy efficiency programs for Duke Energy.
The North Carolina Utilities Commission approved Duke Energy Progress’ latest rate case, which includes “performance-based regulation” meant to help achieve the state’s environmental policies.
The Commerce Department's ruling highlights the conflict between U.S. solar industry's ambitious targets for market growth and its ongoing dependence on China for key components.
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