September 9, 2024

Company News

FERC Orders Expanded Mitigation for LGE-KU
FERC rejected LG&E/KU's proposed transition for exiting from market power mitigation measures the commission had imposed to address the companies' merger.
PG&E Offers $16.9B for Wildfire Claims in Chap. 11 Filing
PG&E Corp. [NYSCE:PCG] filed a reorganization plan in U.S. Bankruptcy Court that includes $16.9 billion to pay for wildfire claims.
AEP Ups its Emission-reduction Targets for 2030
American Electric Power [NYSE: AEP] said it is revising its 2030 targets for reducing carbon dioxide emissions, increasing them to 70% over 2000 levels.
DTE IRP Draws Fire from Renewable Proponents
DTE’s latest integrated resource plan before the Michigan PSC is attracting detractors who say it is short-sighted and relies blindly on fossil fuels.
UPDATED: PG&E Ends Bond Bid as SF Makes Wires Offer
PG&E Corp. said it was postponing a controversial effort to secure up to $20 billion in bonds from the state to pay for wildfires sparked by its equipment.
Texas PUC Briefs: Aug. 29, 2019
ERCOT CEO Bill Magness briefed the Texas Public Utility Commission on his organization’s response to the intense August heat.
Isolation, Illiquidity Drove Avista’s EIM Decision
Avista's [NYSE:AVA] Scott Kinney explained the factors that led to the utility's decision to join CAISO's EIM during the market’s Regional Issues Forum.
FERC Blocks GridLiance’s Door into MISO
FERC halted GridLiance’s entry into the MISO markets by blocking its $11.7 million purchase of six transmission lines from a Vistra Energy subsidiary.
PG&E Bankruptcy Split into Three Parts
The judge overseeing PG&E's bankruptcy relinquished a major part of the case to another federal judge while a third part is heading to state court.
FERC Denies Shell, ODEC GreenHat Settlement Role
Shell Energy and Old Dominion Electric Cooperative failed to make their case that they belong at the GreenHat Energy settlement table, FERC ruled.

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