July 27, 2024

Transportation Decarbonization

AEU: Electrifying MHD Vehicles Could Lower Grid Costs
Serving new demand from medium- and heavy-duty vehicle electrification will require grid upgrades but could lower utility rates, Advanced Energy United said.
Will Final Rules on EV Tax Credits Help or Hurt US Market Growth?
According to Kelley Blue Book, the slow-down in EV sales could be a sign that "EVs are almost mainstream cars in parts of the country. Segment growth typically slows as volume increases."
DOE: AI Critical to US Clean Energy, Grid Modernization Goals
Streamlining and accelerating permitting is just one of the potential uses DOE envisions for AI to accelerate the U.S. power system’s transition to 100% clean energy and the modern, efficient, secure grid needed to reach that goal by 2035.
Portland General Electric
EPA Antes up Nearly $1B to Replace Diesel Heavy-duty Vehicles
EPA announced nearly $1 billion in grants from the Inflation Reduction Act to help cities, states, territories and school districts trade in their diesel-burning heavy-duty trucks and buses for new zero-emission vehicles 
Wash. Sets Income Levels for Help with Buying or Leasing EVs
The state of Washington announced it will offer financial aid for residents of modest income wanting to buy or lease electric vehicles.
BNEF Summit Focuses on Financing Energy Transition, Fast and Slow
Global investment in passenger electric vehicles was up 36% in 2023, investment in energy storage jumped 77%, and investment in carbon capture and storage nearly doubled.
EPA: US GHG Emissions Rose 1.3% in 2022
The topline figures from EPA’s new inventory of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 to 2022 show the country’s slow and uneven progress toward President Joe Biden’s goal of cutting emissions by 50 to 52% below 2005 levels by 2030.
Resources for the Future
RFF Analysis of Net-zero Projections Finds Continued Fossil Fuel Use
Many recent projections for energy use have fossil fuel use plateauing after 2030, when it needs to rapidly decline to meet midcentury carbon targets, Resources for the Future said.
Volvo Trucks
EPA Issues Final Standards on Heavy-duty Truck Emissions
An estimated 72 million Americans, often people of color or with low incomes, live near truck routes that expose them to pollution resulting in higher rates of respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses and premature death.
California Energy Commission
CEC, Caltrans Solicit Feedback on New Program for EV Charger Repair
The California Energy Commission and Department of Transportation are seeking feedback on a state grant program designed to replace and repair more than 1,300 chargers at 300 sites statewide. 

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