July 28, 2024

Transportation Decarbonization

Blue Oval SK
Loan Programs Office Announces $9.2B for Ford Battery Plants in Tenn., Ky.
DOE will loan Ford and Korean battery manufacturer SK On up to $9.2 billion to help them build huge factories in Kentucky and Tennessee for producing EV batteries.  
Gov. Jay Inslee
Washington Looks to Lead on Clean Aviation
Washington is expanding efforts to make the state a leader in emissions-free aviation, Gov. Jay Inslee signaled at the Paris Air Show this week.
Moody’s Analytics
Moody’s: NY Evolved from the Pandemic, Challenges Ahead
New York faces a long list of challenges, including climate change and uncertainty in energy prices, according to Moody’s Analytics.
Washington Lawmakers Field Ideas on Shifting from Guzzlers to EVs
An engineering and consulting firm offered Washington state lawmakers on the Senate-House Joint Transportation Committee ideas on how to replace gas guzzlers with electric vehicles.
Cal Advocates
California EV Grid Fixes Could Cost $35B Less than Estimated
Upgrading California’s grid to serve millions of electric vehicles could cost far less than the $50 billion that a recent study indicated, Cal Advocates say.
Ford Motor Co.
Zero-emission Truck Sales Accelerating, Report Shows
In what’s being called “breakthrough growth,” more zero-emission trucks were deployed in the U.S. last year than in the previous five years combined.
Electric Power Research Institute
How Much Energy It Will Take to Electrify Trucking
Achieving net zero emissions from transportation by 2050 will require an additional 1,800 terawatt-hours per year, the Electric Power Research Institute said.
NY Legislature Passes Bill to ID Grid Upgrades Necessary for EVs
New York's State Legislature passed a bill that would require state agencies and utilities to identify grid improvements for an EV highway and charging network.
Center for Sustainable Energy
California EV Rebate Program Expected to Run Empty Ahead of Plan
Price drops for Tesla’s Model 3 and Model Y have made the EVs eligible again for a California rebate; now the incentive program is running out of money.
KORE Power
LPO Announces $850M Conditional Loan for Ariz. Battery Cell Plant
DOE conditionally approved an $850 million loan for KORE Power's battery cell plant under construction in Arizona, which will power up to 28,000 EVs annually.

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