July 10, 2024

Ship electrification

Port of Los Angeles
EPA Tackles Port Pollution With $3B in IRA Funds
Clean Ports aims to balance the vital role ports play in the economy with the air pollution produced by the diesel-powered trucks, trains and other equipment at these facilities.
Steven Pavlov, CC-BY-SA-4.0, via Wikipedia Commons
First Wash. Ferry Being Converted to Electric-diesel Hybrid

Washington has begun the first overhaul of a diesel ferry into an electric-fuel hybrid, with the converted boat expected to be operating by September 2024.

Port of Stockton
California Invests in Zero-emission Port Equipment
California announced $1.5 billion in port infrastructure upgrades, including for zero-emission locomotives, vessels and vehicles.
Wash. Allocates Millions from Cap-and-Trade Fund
A pumped storage site, solar farms and agrivoltaic ventures are among the projects receiving funding from the state's cap-and-trade fund.
© RTO Insider LLC
Buttigieg: EV Rollout is ‘Testing Productive Capacity of US Economy’
Getting to 50% electric vehicle sales by 2030 won’t be easy, say Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm.
Global Clean Energy Action Forum
Early Steps Toward Green Shipping Promising, GCEAF Audience Hears
Decarbonizing the maritime industry will require "green corridors" — not just switching ships to zero-emission fuel, leaders in the sector say.
International Energy Agency
Overheard at IEA Ministerial Wrap-up on Finance, Industry, Minerals
Delegates tackled issues related to private finance, industrial sector emissions and security for critical minerals at IEA’s 2022 Ministerial in Paris.
Arne Müseler, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Study Casts Doubts on Corporate Green Goals
A new study shows that most global corporations with big carbon emissions pledges are likely to come up short on real reductions.
State of California
CARB Preparing Full Course of ZEV Rules for 2022
CARB could adopt by year-end several regulations intended to speed the transition to zero-emission vehicles, including the Advanced Clean Cars II rules.
Washington State House Democrats
Flood of Climate Bills to Greet Washington Lawmakers
Washington lawmakers will confront more than a dozen climate bills in their upcoming short session.

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