Light-duty vehicles
Twenty-two of the Formula E championship’s Gen2 electric race cars took to the track in New York City, though rain and a multicar crash cut the event short.
NERC, WECC and the California Mobility Center agreed to form a working group to examine the reliability risks of EV charging loads on the bulk power system.
An initiative that proposes taxing wealthy Californians to provide a dedicated funding source for EV rebates and charging qualified for November's ballot.
Oregon is setting a course to adopt proposed California regulations that would require both states to phase out the sale of gasoline-powered cars by 2035.
Mass. Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Bethany Card adopted state emissions limits of 33% below 1990 levels of emissions by 2025 and 50% by 2030.
Reducing the number of miles driven by Californians is a challenging goal given the state's car-centric transportation system and urban sprawl.
New Jersey added $6 million to incentive programs designed to encourage the development of EV charging stations at tourist locations and multifamily buildings.
More than three dozen states have taken sides in a court fight over the EPA's reinstatement of California's strict tailpipe emissions standards.
EV stakeholders have largely praised the Biden administration’s standards for a network of fast chargers that promises to make it easy to find a charge.
California regulators are fine-tuning a set of draft rules that would transition the state to 100% light-duty ZEV sales by 2035.
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