March 1, 2025


Overheard: NECA Asks Experts ‘What to Do with All This CO2’
NECA’s Fuels Committee asked experts on carbon capture and sequestration to discuss the technology and its place in the global decarbonization effort.
First US EV Charging Road to Open in Detroit in 2023
Seeking a leading role in transportation electrification, Michigan will install the first electric charging roadway in the United States next year.
Hydrogen Emerges as Crucial Component for Achieving Net Zero
Net-zero advocates are not just "tilting at windmills" but opening a debate that could lead to technological advances as consequential as the 1960s Moon Shot.
No Net Zero Without Carbon Capture
Tax credits in the Build Back Better Act could increase carbon capture capacity 13-fold while taking 290 million tons of carbon out of the atmosphere per year.
Jelson25, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
Washington Bill Buffers Some Industries Subject to Cap-and-trade
A bill to cushion trade-exposed Washington manufacturers from the economic impact of the state’s cap-and-trade program is getting pushback.
Belton Economic Development
Utilities Have Crucial Role in Economic Development
MEI's annual economic development meeting examined the role utilities played in two economic development projects in the service areas of 2 Missouri utilities.
Infrastructure Key to Creating a Hydrogen Economy
Hydrogen emerged as a possible solution to climate change during COP26, but details of the transition are vague, creating opportunity for competing solutions.
Fusion Company Gets $500M Investment
Private investors poured an additional $500 million into a company that believes the fusion reactor it’s developing can achieve net electricity generation.
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Overheard at the NARUC Annual Meeting
Discussion topics at the NARUC annual meeting ran the gamut from affordable electrification to resilience, supply chain snarls and pipeline infrastructure.
UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021
Democrats at COP26 Talk Climate Action and Political Realities
A Glasgow press conference set the stage for battles ahead as Dems head back to Capitol Hill determined to pass the $1.75 trillion budget reconciliation bill.

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