February 21, 2025

Industrial Decarbonization

EPRI: Clean Energy, Efficiency Can Meet AI, Data Center Power Demand
The burgeoning power demand from data centers and artificial intelligence can be met by other means than new natural gas-fired power plants, according to a new report from the Electric Power Research Institute.
The Brattle Group
Brattle Report Details Impact of ‘Lumpy’ Loads on Utility Forecasts
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BNEF Summit: Oil, Gas Execs Argue for Key Role in Energy Transition
A series of presentations and panels at the BloombergNEF Summit provided a measure of the industry’s success in crafting a narrative based on a balanced and well-paced transition that includes cutting egregious emissions and scaling carbon capture and storage technologies. 
Washington Department of Ecology
Wash. Cap-and-invest Supporters Launch Anti-repeal Effort
Bolstered by a nearly $5 million war chest, supporters of Washington’s cap-and-invest system have begun efforts to defeat a campaign that seeks to scrap the carbon allowance program through a referendum this fall. 
EPA: US GHG Emissions Rose 1.3% in 2022
The topline figures from EPA’s new inventory of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 to 2022 show the country’s slow and uneven progress toward President Joe Biden’s goal of cutting emissions by 50 to 52% below 2005 levels by 2030.
Bill Would Exempt Md. Data Centers with Fossil Fuel Backup from PSC Approval
Getting bills through the Maryland General Assembly often involves compromises and tradeoffs, even with Democrats controlling the House of Delegates, the Senate and the governorship.
Resources for the Future
RFF Analysis of Net-zero Projections Finds Continued Fossil Fuel Use
Many recent projections for energy use have fossil fuel use plateauing after 2030, when it needs to rapidly decline to meet midcentury carbon targets, Resources for the Future said.
Energy Department Offers $6 Billion for Industrial Decarbonization
The U.S. Department of Energy announced $6 billion in funding for 33 projects that are meant to help decarbonize difficult-to-abate, energy-intensive industries. 
Port of Seattle
Calif., Quebec, Wash. to Explore Linking Carbon Markets

Washington could be closer to joining the California-Québec carbon market after the three governments issued a statement saying they will explore linking their cap-and-trade systems.

HF Sinclair
Drop in Wash. Carbon Price Spells Uncertainty for Budget, Gas Costs

Washington’s first quarterly carbon allowance auction of 2024 has thrown two new wrinkles into the economics of the state’s fledgling — and controversial — cap-and-invest program.

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