Rooftop solar
In its latest “Solar Means Business” report, the Solar Energy Industries Association reports nearly 40 GW of on-site and off-site corporate capacity installed by March 2024.
New Jersey has launched a yearlong process to evaluate the effectiveness of its solar net-metering system and generate possible alternatives.
NYSEIA is looking to continue the momentum for distributed solar after a key milestone was achieved, but plenty of challenges remain.
Small-scale solar arrays in New York have surpassed 6 GW of capacity, meeting a milestone 2025 goal more than a year early.
Virtual power plants can help the power grid deal with some of its most pressing issues, such as meeting rising demand and helping to integrate more renewables affordably.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities approved grid modernization plans from electric distribution companies to handle increasing electrification and the deployment of distributed resources.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has released the latest iteration of its “Tracking the Sun” report, which looks into the 3.7 million distributed solar systems installed through the end of 2023.
California lawmakers voted to send a climate resilience bond measure to voters in November, and clean energy advocates are hailing the measure’s investments in offshore wind and transmission projects.
The California Assembly Utilities and Energy Committee advanced two new bills that could accelerate the state’s decarbonization goals by helping residents and multimeter customers transition to renewable energy.
Small-scale solar has been a success story in New York state, which is on track to reach its 2025 goal of 6 GW of distributed solar a year early.
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