December 26, 2024

Solar Power

NY Expects to Miss 2030 Renewable Energy Target
The architects of New York’s clean energy transition are predicting the state will fall short of its 70%-by-2030 renewable energy target, perhaps far short, and are suggesting ways to catch up in the early 2030s. 
DSD Renewables
Trade Group Wants NY to Press Distributed Solar
Small-scale solar has been a success story in New York state, which is on track to reach its 2025 goal of 6 GW of distributed solar a year early.
LNG Won’t Replace Coal in Generating China’s Power, Report Says
The world’s largest coal consumer will not be replacing that domestic resource with imported natural gas, IEEFA said in its report.
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NJ Senate Energy Committee Backs PJM Interconnection ‘Skip’ for Solar
New Jersey’s Senate Environment and Energy Committee passed a bill supporters said would allow grid-scale solar projects of up to 20 MW to bypass PJM’s interconnection queue and connect to the grid through their local utility.
NY Opens Land-based Renewable Energy Solicitation
New York has launched its eighth large-scale renewable energy solicitation, seeking proposals for land-based projects to help the state meet its emission-reduction goals.
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Renewable Development Faces Regulatory Tangle
Two new reports examine the profusion of local and state regulations affecting renewable energy development.
NJ Electrification Bill Stirs Opposition
A bill that would require New Jersey utilities to offer building electrification incentive programs sparked more than two hours of heated debate.
NJ Master Plan Speakers Seek Sweeping Electrification Plan
Clean energy supporters argue the next New Jersey energy master plan should be an aggressive and broad embrace of electrification and generate enough money to help pay for clean energy projects and protect ratepayers.
Senate ENR Committee
Manchin not Ready to Give up on Bipartisan Permitting Bill
Sen. Joe Manchin rebuffed Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's assertion that permitting reform was dead in the current Congress during an Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on load growth from data centers.
Biden Doubles Down on Support for US Solar Manufacturing
The administration’s focus on growing a healthy, competitive solar supply chain combines Biden’s drive to stimulate private investment in clean tech manufacturing and jobs and bipartisan concerns about Chinese trade practices.

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