October 9, 2024

Renewable Power

CCAs Team Up to Buy Clean Energy, Storage Capacity
Eight of California’s community choice aggregators said they will join forces to create one of the state’s largest procurement entities.
ACORE: COVID, Impeachment Could Delay Infrastructure Bill
Congress could push an infrastructure financing bill into the second quarter, imperiling the legislative goals of clean energy industries, the ACORE warned.
Net Metering Successors Need ‘Holistic Approach’
Four trends have emerged from the evolution of net energy metering rate design, an industry expert told state utility commissioners and their staff.
RTOs Planning to Ride Energy Storage Wave
Faced with varying waves of energy storage resources, grid operators are taking steps to accommodate devices sitting in their interconnection queues.
NY Builds OSW Ports in Brooklyn, Albany, Long Island
New York OSW developers began constructing the facilities needed to operate their projects after the state completed the nation’s largest wind procurement
NY Public Speaks on Clean Energy Jobs, Costs, Urgency
New York citizens feel officials should focus their greening efforts on employment, particularly in creating new clean energy jobs.
WEIS Market ‘First Step’ to Full RTO Membership
Utilities are hoping their participation in SPP's WEIS market will be the "first step" to full RTO membership.
EIA Predicts Electric Demand Rebound by 2025
Electricity demand will return to pre-COVID levels by 2025 while total energy consumption will likely lag until at least 2029, the EIA said.
Energy Siting Tops Maine Environmental Policy Priorities
Maine's Office of Policy Innovation and the Future said solar and offshore wind energy siting will be among the state legislature's environmental priorities
Study: Biomass Better for Carbon Capture than Energy
Biomass is more valuable for its carbon-capture ability than its energy production, according to a study released by the Innovation for Cool Earth Forum.

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