October 16, 2024

Generation & Fuels

Global Energy Transition Needs Speed, Worker Safeguards
Speed and fairness must be watchwords of the global energy transition, said experts gathered in advance of the UN Climate Change Conference.
Natural Gas Use Expected to Rise in NY
New York will see an increase in new natural gas plants and hours of operation of existing plants after the Indian Point Nuclear Energy Center closes.
Amazon Backs Washington’s Low-carbon Fuel Bill
Amazon threw its support behind a Washington state bill to trim carbon emissions from motor vehicle fuels sold in the state.
Report: Half of Coal Fleet Could Safely Retire by 2025
More than half of the U.S. coal fleet could be retired by 2025 to reduce emissions and generating costs, with no harm to reliability, according to RMI.
NH Bill Envisions 600-800 MW in OSW Bids
A proposed clean energy solicitation in New Hampshire could spur offshore wind development in the Gulf of Maine by 2026, state Sen. David Watters said.
Report: Offshore Wind Poised to Boom in North Carolina
A new report released by North Carolina Department of Commerce maps out how the state can become an offshore wind manufacturing hub.
Advocates Fear Cut in Minnesota Solar Rate Could Slow Growth
Solar advocates in Minnesota expect a slowdown in development under the Community Solar Gardens program after regulators cut the rate for bill credits.
BOEM Releases Final Vineyard Wind Impact Statement
The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management concluded its environmental review of the Vineyard Wind I project off the coast of Massachusetts.
Ohio Lawmakers Struggle to Undo Nuclear Subsidy
Ohio lawmakers are considering multiple bills to undo the $1 billion nuclear plant bailout for FirstEnergy, though none outright repeals the law.
Some Sacrifice Needed on Road to Net-Zero, Nexamp Says
Communities and companies must find creative compromise in siting and developing clean energy at scale, Nexamp's Kelly Friend told NECA.

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