October 12, 2024

Generation & Fuels

Vineyard Wind
Biden Administration Marshaling Agencies in Push for 30 GW of Offshore Wind by 2030
The focus of the Business Network for Offshore Wind’s International Partnering Forum this year was the same as President Biden's: jobs.
Vancouver Plant Will Convert Sewage to Biofuel
A Vancouver, Canada, plant will convert human waste into a biocrude dry sludge that will be eventually turned into biofuel.
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CAISO Launches 20-year Transmission Planning Process
CAISO kicked off an extended 20-year transmission planning process to support the state’s clean energy goals.
CAISO Could See More Outages this Summer
California could experience capacity shortfalls this summer during severe heat because of limited imports and low hydroelectric production, CAISO said.
Electrification Raises Concerns over Stranded Gas Assets, Customers
Successful development of low-carbon fuels could avoid stranding natural gas customers and infrastructure, a Con Ed official told the EBA.
EBA Panel Says Decarbonization a Must by 2035
Decarbonization experts told the Energy Bar Association last week that the industry has little choice but to decarbonize — and fast. 
Xcel Energy CEO Fowke to Retire
Xcel Energy CEO Ben Fowke will retire after 10 years, having turned the company into one of the nation’s largest providers of wind energy.
Climate Impact on Renewables Could Mean Costlier Buildout
Researchers found that the renewable resources required to address climate change are themselves increasingly subject to the impacts of global warming.
Early Solar Adopters Oppose Mass. REC Program Change
The Mass. Department of Energy Resources wants to make changes to the state's original solar REC program to save ratepayers money.
NJ Rate Advocate Challenges 2nd Round of Nuclear Subsidies
The New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel appealed the state BPU’s recent award of $300 million in subsidies to three nuclear plants.

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