September 30, 2024


Plug Power
Fuel Cell Maker Plug Power Has Global Ambitions
Plug Power says it has the technology to build large fuel cell systems and power them with green hydrogen from a fleet of factories it is now building.
Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
‘Fix Our Climate’ Earthshot Prize Goes to Hydrogen Tech Firm
The inventors of the “first scalable electrolyzer" for green hydrogen say they will begin mass production after winning a $1 million Earthshot prize.
Palo Verde Generating Station
Palo Verde Hydrogen Demo Gets $20M from DOE
The Palo Verde Generating Station will take part in a U.S. DOE-funded project to use nuclear power to produce hydrogen.
NLC India
CGEP Talks Repurposing Infrastructure for Low-carbon Energy
A Center on Global Energy Policy webinar focused on the need to repurpose trillions in energy infrastructure to carry or accommodate low-carbon energy.
Duke Energy
NCUC Debates Best Path for Duke Coal Retirements
South Carolina sent the utility back to the drawing board for IRP revisions, while North Carolina looks to changes for Duke's 2022 IRP.
NY Activists Want Less Industry, More Justice in Clean Energy
Activists and consumer advocates in New York want to see less industry influence on clean energy policy recommendations to the state.
Overheard at the NECA Fuels Conference
Acadia Center’s Ben Butterworth says energy efficiency retrofits coupled with building electrification is the central solution to decarbonizing buildings.
Oil Majors Prepare to Produce Hydrogen
Policies calling for reductions in CO2 emissions have transformed hydrogen from an oil refinery chemical to a top production priority for oil and gas companies.
San Francisco Clean Cities Coali
Spread of California Hydrogen Stations Should Fuel FCEV Growth
Development of hydrogen-fueling stations in California is accelerating; car manufacturers should consider ramping up production of FCEVs, new report says.
Analysts: US to be Hydrogen Powerhouse Within a Decade
A trio of engineers with the John Wood Group predicted that by 2040, the U.S. will be a global leader in hydrogen production and use.

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