September 29, 2024


Mitsubishi Power
The Growing Inevitability of Hydrogen
Whether made from natural gas or water, hydrogen is being researched and tested to replace fossil fuels.
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Washington’s Tri-Cities Lobbies Granholm for Clean Energy Funding
Leaders from southeastern Washington lobbied DOE Secretary Jennifer Granholm for a piece of the Biden administration’s clean energy spending.
Resources for the Future
How Much Will the IRA Cut GHG Emissions, Home Energy Costs?
A panel of industry analysts presented their estimates of how much the Inflation Reduction Act would reduce emissions and its impact on household energy costs.
IRA ‘Better than Most’ Bills, Gas Industry Rep Says
Natural gas industry representatives shared what they believe are positive measures in the Inflation Reduction Act during a webinar.
Opening of Wash. Green Hydrogen Plant Delayed to Mid-2023
Washington’s first industrial-scale green hydrogen production facility has fallen an additional six months behind on its original start date.
Consumers Energy
What’s in the Inflation Reduction Act, Part 2
The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, formerly known as the Build Back Better Act, is once again hanging on the vote of a conservative Democrat.
Study Finds Adding More Hydrogen to Natural Gas Raises Risks
A study commissioned by the California PUC warns that more than 5% of hydrogen blended with natural gas can increase the risks of leaks and metal degradation.
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‘Clean Molecules’ Critical to Decarbonization, Panelists Say
Hydrogen will be as important as electrification in achieving a cost-effective clean energy mix, NARUC panelists said.
Could Hydrogen Supplant Natural Gas in Power Generation?
The Northeast U.S. could meet its winter peak power needs with LNG rather than relying on oil or coal plants, argues a Houston-based entrepreneur.
Senate ENR Committee
Senate Committee Holds First Hearing on Hydrogen Pipeline
Fears that FERC’s pipeline regulations will stymie development of a national hydrogen pipeline system pervaded a Senate Energy and Natural Resources hearing.

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