Fossil Fuels
The state agency drawing up California’s plan to reach carbon neutrality by 2045 should take “even bolder action” on climate change, Gov. Gavin Newsom said.
A NARUC session on carbon emissions from power plants weighed the potential effects of the Supreme Court's decision in West Virginia v. EPA.
In an interview, new D.C. PSC Chair Emile Thompson talked about his vision for reaching the district’s goal of cutting GHG emissions in half by 2032.
The Northeast U.S. could meet its winter peak power needs with LNG rather than relying on oil or coal plants, argues a Houston-based entrepreneur.
A panel of energy experts discussed LNG in the context of significant shocks to the market’s supply and demand this year.
Fears that FERC’s pipeline regulations will stymie development of a national hydrogen pipeline system pervaded a Senate Energy and Natural Resources hearing.
Oregon officials are grappling with how the natural gas sector will fit into the state’s decarbonization strategy.
Dj245, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
A Pennsylvania judge blocked Gov. Tom Wolf’s effort to enter RGGI, saying the administration’s plan was a tax that lacked required legislative approval.
The non-utility owner of a Washington gas-fired power plant says the facility faces unfair treatment under the state’s pending cap-and-trade program.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed bills relating to clean building codes, thermal energy networks and prevailing wages for renewable energy workers.
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