September 6, 2024

Federal Policy

Palo Verde Generating Station
Palo Verde Hydrogen Demo Gets $20M from DOE
The Palo Verde Generating Station will take part in a U.S. DOE-funded project to use nuclear power to produce hydrogen.
NLC India
CGEP Talks Repurposing Infrastructure for Low-carbon Energy
A Center on Global Energy Policy webinar focused on the need to repurpose trillions in energy infrastructure to carry or accommodate low-carbon energy.
University of Maine
Maine Submits Fed Lease Application for Floating OSW Research
Maine says its small-scale offshore wind array will offer critical research opportunities and experience with floating turbine technology.
SEIA Issues New US Solar Generation Goal: 30 by 30
SEIA issued a new growth target for the industry to mark the first day of its 2021 annual meeting: 30% of the nation’s power by 2030.
Toxin Assessment Renews Environmental Justice Questions at Weymouth Compressor Station
The site of the Weymouth natural gas compressor station previously hosted both a coal facility and a fuel storage tank. 
National Clean Energy Week
Overheard at National Clean Energy Week
A two-day Policy Makers Symposium at National Clean Energy Week provided insight into the mainstreaming of the clean energy transition in the U.S.
Resources for the Future
Economists Hope Improved Data Will Strengthen Climate Policy
More granular data and improved computing power are allowing economists to refine their climate change predictions — and, they hope, influence policy.
Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation
DOE Puts $16 Million into Community Clean Energy Plans
The Department of Energy's LEAP program will provide technical assistance to help environmental justice, low-income and coalfield communities develop clean energy projects.
House Panel OKs Dems’ $3.5T Spending Bill
The House Ways and Means Committee approved Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending package, which includes billions for energy efficiency, renewables and EVs.
Xcel Energy
Think Tank Stresses Reliability in Energy Policy Principles
Energy-focused think tank OurEnergyPolicy released a set of principles stressing the importance of reliability in the clean energy transition.

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