September 6, 2024

Federal Policy

DOE-DOT Joint Office to Begin Rollout of EV Infrastructure Funds
The DOE-DOT Joint Office will take the first steps in rolling out the IIJA’s $7.5 billion in funding for a national EV charging network next month.
Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station
FERC Rejects Calls to Shut Down Weymouth Compressor
FERC said it could not reverse its OK of a controversial compressor station, but Democrats pledged to consider environmental justice in future gas cases.
Martha's Vineyard Transit Author
‘Buy America’ Hampers Martha’s Vineyard E-bus Plan, Official Says
Martha’s Vineyard Transit Authority Administrator Angela Gompert says battery vendors must catch up to the reality of the FTA’s ‘Buy America’ requirements.
No Net Zero Without Carbon Capture
Tax credits in the Build Back Better Act could increase carbon capture capacity 13-fold while taking 290 million tons of carbon out of the atmosphere per year.
Industrial Steam Boiler Corp.
DC Circuit Rebuffs DOE on Boiler Efficiency Rule
DOE must provide better justification for its energy efficiency standards on commercial boilers, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled.
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‘Resiliency not a Barrier to Decarbonization, It’s a Prerequisite’
U.S. carbon emissions were up last year, but EPRI executives were optimistic about the country’s ability to cut its greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030.
TVA Comes Under Congressional Spotlight
The House Committee on Energy and Commerce is questioning the Tennessee Valley Authority over its rates and clean energy goals.
Alaska Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities
Researchers: New Policies, Data Needed to Respond to Climate Threats
Government officials and utility planners lack the tools and policies needed to address climate change's increasing threat, researchers told the EBA.
Lansing Board of Water & Light
EPA Coal Ash Enforcement Impacts Midwest Coal Plants
The EPA’s Tuesday announcement to begin a crackdown on coal ash ponds has an outsize impact on Midwestern coal plants.
USA Rare Earth
Critical Minerals: America’s Achilles Heel?
An OurEnergyPolicy webinar focused on the importance of minerals to U.S. decarbonization and the vulnerability created by relying on imports.

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