September 5, 2024

Federal Policy

AFLEET 2020, World Resources Ins
EPA Doubles IIJA Funding for Electric School Buses
EPA announced it's nearly doubling the funds available from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for the Clean School Bus Program in 2022 to $965 million.
DOE Seeks Public Input on Biden Manufacturing Order
DOE is seeking input from the public on how to use the Defense Production Act authority that President Biden granted it to improve power grid reliability.
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BOEM Report Clears Way for 1st California OSW Auctions
A new finding by the U.S. Bureau of Energy Management means California could see its first offshore wind lease auctions by the end of the year.
Raab Associates
Glick Backs Changes to Federal Infrastructure Permitting
Opponents of a proposal to ease the permitting of energy infrastructure ignore how current rules hobble renewables, FERC Chairman Richard Glick said.
NJ Foresees ‘Horse Trading’ with Other PJM States over Tx Costs
New Jersey hopes for “horse trading” with other PJM states over the cost of transmission needed to integrate offshore wind and other renewables.
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Murphy Outlines NJ Building Electrification Push
New Jersey has formed a multi-stakeholder task force to plan how to accelerate the effort to reduce emissions from buildings, Gov. Phil Murphy announced.
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USEA Panel Explores How to Cut CO2 as Electricity Demand Increases
The impact of growing power demand is a key problem in the drive to decarbonize U.S. electricity, said Robert Rowe, president of NorthWestern Energy.
Maryland: State Met 2020 GHG Emission Goal, but Behind on 2030
Maryland surpassed its greenhouse gas emission-reduction goal for 2020, according to the final data released by the state Department of the Environment.
Jigar Shah: LPO Offers Cleantech Startups ‘Bridge to Bankability’
Jigar Shah has taken the Energy’s Loan Programs Office from a largely dormant part of DOE to an office processing applications for loans totaling $86.5 billion.
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Manchin Permitting Package Cut from Spending Bill
Short of votes, Sen. Joe Manchin withdrew his controversial infrastructure permitting bill from inclusion in the Senate’s must-pass spending bill.

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