September 2, 2024

Federal Policy

EPA Proposes Methane Emission Penalties
EPA is moving to impose financial penalties for excessive methane emissions within the oil and gas sector. 
Congressional Democrats Urge FERC to Complete Transmission Rule
Congressional Democrats sent a pair of identical letters to FERC urging the commission to complete its transmission cost allocation and planning rule.
DOE Partners with HVAC Industry on Cold Climate Heat Pumps
The Department of Energy announced four companies have developed high-efficiency cold climate heat pumps as part of its Residential Cold Climate Heat Pump Technology Challenge.
DOT to Fund EV Chargers in Remote, Disadvantaged Communities

The funding will put a total 7,500 EV chargers at locations, from multifamily housing developments in New Jersey and Maryland, to public libraries in California to remote villages like Haines, Alaska.

DOE Seeks Proposals to Build out HALEU Supply Chain
DOE's commitment of $500 million in IRA dollars may not be enough. Building private sector confidence in the emerging HALEU market could require up to $2.9 billion more in additional federal funding.
Lion Electric
EPA Awards $965M in Grants from Clean School Bus Program
EPA awarded $965 million in grants to purchase almost 2,700 electric school buses, the second funding round in the agency’s $5 billion Clean School Bus Program.  
Impacts of Six Potential OSW Projects Previewed
Federal regulators have issued their first-ever environmental impact evaluation of multiple offshore wind lease areas.
Michels Corporation
DOE Lays out Plans for Designating Transmission Corridors
DOE laid out its plans to release draft National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors this spring, which will then start a process of refinement before they are finalized over several years.
Can DOE Accelerate US Energy Transition as 2024 Election Looms?

DOE is focused on reshaping the U.S. energy landscape, but officials may have only another year to build the momentum needed to make any potential Republican rollbacks unpopular and unlikely.

Nevada Vanadium Mining Corp.
Study Examines Critical Minerals Potential in West
Western Interstate Energy Board member states backed the research project exploring the region's potential for supplying the minerals needed for U.S. energy transition.

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