September 3, 2024

Building Decarbonization

New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development
NYSERDA: Building-by-building Heat Pump Transition isn’t Going to Cut it
NYSERDA says New York needs to move away from a building-by-building heat pump installation approach to a community approach, where practical.
Daniel Case, CC BY-3.0, via Wikimedia
Dispatches from the Frontlines of Environmental Justice in Conn.
A Connecticut Green Bank webinar hears from people working on the frontlines of environmental justice in the state.
Groups Urge Michigan to Adopt All Electrification in New Building Code
A coalition of 30 organizations asked Michigan officials to ban natural gas in new construction, calling it “a critical measure to reduce air pollution.”
Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing
Vermont Climate Council Puts Clean Heat Standard on the Table
The Vermont Climate Council heard recommendations on how to reduce emissions for the electricity, thermal and transportation sectors.
NJ Enviros Squeeze Governor on GHG Goals
Groups say Murphy talks aggressively on climate change but is moving too slowly to cut GHG, while the DEP continues to approve natural gas projects.
Maryland Consumers May Pay High Heating Costs to Cut Building Emissions
Maryland is looking at challenges of different pathways to building decarbonization, while Montgomery County explores solutions in energy performance standards.
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NARUC Panel: EE Needs New Metrics to Help Reach Net-zero Goals
State regulators must change their thinking about the value of energy efficiency to meet net-zero goals, speakers told the NARUC Summer Policy Summit.
Sunrise Maine
Solving for Equity in the Rates and Climate Policy Equation
Given Maine's ambitious climate policies, one state regulator sees a need to reconsider how the costs of those policies are allocated to ratepayers.
DOE: Building Codes Key to Net-zero Economy
Updating building codes is “one of the easiest things we can do" to reduce emissions, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said at a DOE conference.
City of New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell
$536M in Pandemic Aid Tagged for Climate, Energy Across New England
Vermont and Maine will put $136 million in federal aid into climate and energy initiatives; Massachusetts is looking to spend $400 million on those sectors.

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