September 2, 2024

Building Decarbonization

NJ Enviros: Heat Pumps Can Cut Building Emissions, Costs
New Jersey could dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions from buildings – the state’s second largest source of emissions – by replacing fossil-fueled boilers with heat pumps and other electric appliances and beefing up incentives for the equipment, according to a recent report from the New Jersey Conservation Foundation. Heat pumps can replace furnaces or boilers, …
Office of Gov. Christopher Sunun
NH Large Business Sector Takes Biggest Hit in Revised EE Budget
New Hampshire utilities are starting to reopen their energy efficiency programs after the governor signed a law that provides funding certainty.
New Mexico Climate Activists Vow to Try Again on Net Zero Bill
A bill that would have set a goal of net zero GHG emissions by 2050 failed in the New Mexico legislature, but proponents expect a similar proposal next year.
Cacophony, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Washington Lawmakers Pass Bill to Green Public Buildings
A new Washington law will require all new "major" publicly owned or leased buildings to be designed with all-electric energy systems in mind.
Neighborhood Association of the Back Bay
Massachusetts Commission Deliberates Emissions Cap for Heating Fuel
The Massachusetts Commission on Clean Heat will spend the next month identifying policies and initiatives that can help achieve building sector emissions sublimits.
DOE’s ‘Better Climate Challenge’ Targets 50% Emission Reductions
More than 90 companies, governments, universities and other organizations pledged to cut their GHG emissions 50% by 2030 in DOE's Better Climate Challenge.
California Sets 6 Million Heat Pump Goal
The California Energy Commission adopted a goal of installing six million electric heat-pump HVAC units and water heaters in homes by 2030.
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Maryland Lawmakers Vow to up Climate Goals
Maryland lawmakers are confident they will adopt more ambitious climate goals in 2022, after differences among Democrats stalled action last year.
Advocates Seek Pathway for Biofuels in New Connecticut Energy Strategy
Connecticut officials are accepting comments on the scope of the state’s Comprehensive Energy Strategy update through March 3.
Gov. Jay and First Lady Trudi Inslee
Inslee Plugs Washington Buildings Bills at Forum with Gore, McCarthy
Gov. Jay Inslee urged constituents to press Washington legislators to drum up extra votes for two bills addressing building decarbonization.

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