September 1, 2024

Building Decarbonization

Vermont Gas Utility Explains its Effort to Electrify Customers
Electrify Now, an organization trying to speed electrification, took the counterintuitive step of inviting a natural gas utility to its webinar this week.
Impact of Berkeley Gas Ruling Debated
A court ruling voiding Berkeley's ban on natural gas in new buildings could have national impact, but it doesn’t prevent all efforts to electrify buildings.
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
NJ To Accelerate RGGI Fund Expenditures
New Jersey has been slow to spend Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative funds since returning to the program but is taking steps to speed up the process.
Clean Energy Startups Earn Millions in California Energy Commission Grants
The awards will fund producers of smart conductors, heat pumps, energy-producing windows and technology to detect flaws during batter manufacturing.
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Overheard at the 2023 New York Energy Summit
Last week’s New York Energy Summit yielded a bumper crop of opinions, updates and words of wisdom from the more than 60 panelists.
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Will Income-tiered Fixed Costs Help California Decarbonize?
Panelists at the RE+ Northern California conference discussed utility rate design to lessen the impact of decarbonization and wildfire mitigation on ratepayers.
Study: Philadelphia Gas Infrastructure Costs Rise as Consumers Electrify
Philadelphia Gas Works must spend billions to replace leak-prone pipes as more customers are likely to switch to electric heating, according to a new report.
Electric vs. Gas Skirmish Rising in NJ
A growing focus on reducing gas use is drawing criticism from environmentalists who say the state isn't doing enough and others who say it’s going too fast.
EIA: Major Solar Growth Ahead, but EV Adoption Stalls After 2030
EIA projects the U.S. will be able to cut energy-related CO2 emissions 25 to 38% below 2005 levels by 2030, which falls short of President Biden’s target.
New York State Senate
NYSERDA Chief Lays out Cost, Benefits of Climate Plan
NYSERDA's Doreen Harris presented the challenges of New York’s energy transition plan as opportunities while speaking to state legislators.

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