September 1, 2024

Water Heating

NY Utility Thermal Energy Network Pilot Program Simmers
A year after New York ordered seven utilities to plan a series of thermal energy network pilot projects, none of the proposals is ready for regulatory consideration.
NCUC Approves Duke Energy’s Bill-funded Efficiency Programs
North Carolina regulators approved two on-bill-financed residential energy efficiency programs for Duke Energy.
DOE Opens Applications for $8.5B in IRA Home Efficiency Funds
DOE treads carefully on hot-button issue of home electrification, saying rebate programs do not ban or restrict use of other technologies.
NJ Plans for Transition Away from Natural Gas
New Jersey is tackling the contentious issue of how to dramatically reduce the use of natural gas and promote alternatives in pursuit of cutting carbon emissions.
Higher Water Heater Efficiency Standards Sought
The Department of Energy is proposing efficiency standards it says will save Americans billions on the operation of their water heaters and eliminate millions of tons of carbon emissions.
ACEEE Highlights Efficiency’s Benefits to Grid Decarbonization
ACEEE released a report arguing that efficiency would have major benefits in deep decarbonization scenarios by avoiding the need for balancing resources and minimizing costs to vulnerable consumers.
NJ BPU Outlines $150M Building Decarbonization Plan
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has released a $50 million-a-year, three-year plan to cut building carbon emissions by prioritizing a shift from delivered fossil fuels to electric heat pumps.  
Berkeley Seeks Rehearing of Gas Ban Reversal
The city of Berkeley asked the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for an en banc rehearing of a decision to overturn its nation-leading ban on natural gas hookups.
Massachusetts DEP
Mass. Stakeholders Debate the Scope of Clean Heat Standard
Massachusetts energy providers, consumers and climate advocates presented contrasting visions of what solutions should be included in a clean heat standard.
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Energy Leaders Debate the Future of New England’s Gas System
Panelists at NECPUC's 75th Symposium debated how fast natural gas infrastructure should be phased out to meet New England's decarbonization goals.

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