Lawyers' roles in ensuring utilities' cybersecurity was the topic of a panel discussion at last week's Energy Bar Association Mid-Year Forum in D.C.
FERC’s fourth round of Critical Infrastructure Protection audits still found room for improvement, with a commission report listing seven “lessons learned.”
A NERC publication aims to cover inverter-based resource interconnections that fall between the distribution system and the bulk electric system threshold.
NERC is accepting comments until Nov. 4 on the second draft of a revised standard to improve the ride-through performance of inverter-based resources.
NERC's Standards Committee delayed posting a standard authorization request by SPP on generator weatherization because of a competing proposal from EEI.
NERC will begin testing a new version of its situational awareness tool in mid-November, adding the ability to integrate transmission feeds.
The grid cannot be protected against EMPs without guaranteed cost recovery and more access to classified information, NERC’s EMP Task Force concluded.
EPRI's report on EMPs underestimated the risks the grid faces, according to a critique by a little-known group with ties to Maxwell Air Force Base.
FERC and NERC are proposing to change how they disclose info on violations of CIP standards by seeking a better balance of "security and transparency.”
PJM stakeholders expressed concern that proposed plans for eliminating vulnerabilities to "critical" transmission assets could undermine transparency rules.
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