July 30, 2024


ERCOT Working to Set Cyber Incident Processes
ERCOT is seeking more time to hash out the details around an NPRR that would establish notification responsibilities during cybersecurity incidents.
Public Power Seeks ‘Actionable’ Cyber Intel
Utilities aren’t getting the “actionable” intelligence they need from the government to defend themselves against cyber threats, the head of the LPPC said.
SER Phase 2 Targets Data Retention, Consolidation
Phase 2 of NERC’s Standards Efficiency Review has narrowed its focus to four tasks, tabling two others for potential work by other committees.
NERC Presents Lessons Learned on Substation Fires
NERC hosted a webinar on lessons learned from substation fires, with several utility representatives recounting their own experiences.
FERC OKs Cyber Reporting Rule
FERC expanded NERC’s cyber incident reporting requirements, closing what it said was a gap in the CIP reliability standards.
NERC Seeks Resilience Metrics, Focus on Resource Shifts
NERC called for developing metrics on resilience and urged continued efforts to respond to increased cyber threats and growth in asynchronous generation.
EMPs: Separating Truth from Science Fiction
A panel at the Edison Electric Institute conference discussed the need to separate fact from fiction on electromagnetic pulses.
EMP Task Force Takes ‘First Bite of the Elephant’
President Trump’s executive order calling for actions to protect the grid from EMPs has “troublesome” timing requirements.
Standing-room Only for NERC EMP Meeting
NERC’s task force on electromagnetic pulses will hold its first face-to-face meeting at the ERO's offices in D.C. on June 12.
NERC Sees Summer Risks for Texas, Calif.
Most regions will meet their summer peaks but Texas and California are at risk, NERC said in its 2019 Summer Reliability Assessment.

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