July 30, 2024


NERC Plans Review of Supply Chain Standards
NERC announced it will conduct a formal review of the effectiveness of its new supply chain standards, which take effect July 1.
Gen Operators Cool to Winter Preparedness Standard
Comments on a proposal to ensure generators are prepared for cold-weather events revealed widespread skepticism over the value of pursuing new standards.
FERC, RF in Debate over CIP-014 Modeling
FERC is engaged in a debate with ReliabilityFirst over the modeling transmission owners should undertake to identify “critical” substations under CIP-014.
Supply Chain Team Wary of Changing Access Control Terms
The team considering changes to supply chain standards may leave two key definitions in their form due to scope creep and communication issues.
RF Enforcement: ‘Getting Harder to Process Violations’
Processing NERC violations is getting more difficult — at least in ReliabilityFirst, says the regional entity’s enforcement chief.
FERC Refocusing Cybersecurity Efforts
FERC is rethinking its cybersecurity strategy by reorganizing two departments and directing its efforts at five “focus areas.”
RF Briefs GOs/GOPs on 2020 Spot Checks
ReliabilityFirst briefed members on spot checks for generation owners and operators that focus on risks of insufficient long-term and operations planning.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Nov. 12-13, 2019
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee continued to work on ISO-NE’s proposed Energy Security Improvements proposal.
GridEx V Throws New Tech Curveball
A simulated social media hack was among the surprises at GridEx V, the latest NERC exercise testing industry preparedness for cyber and physical attacks.
Ballot Opens on Proposed GMD Revisions
NERC opened a ballot on a proposal requiring entities that fail to meet performance requirements for “supplemental” GMD events to develop corrective plans.

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