NERC and E-ISAC executive Manny Cancel testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee about cyber and physical threats to the North American power grid.
ReliabilityFirst staff urged utilities to take advantage of the regional entity's voluntary winter preparedness consultations.
FERC accepted NERC's clarification of several elements of the ERO's 2023 budget.
FERC said petitioners' call to overturn its approval of EOP-012-1 was outside the scope of the proceeding.
Industry stakeholders expressed concern about the ERO's rising budgets and assessments in comments last week.
Members of Congress went to North Carolina to hold a field hearing on the substation attacks in early December that knocked out power to 45,000 customers.
FERC approved new rules intended to strengthen the grid against both extreme heat and cold weather events.
NERC and industry trade groups asked FERC to reject a call to change how assets are classified under the Critical Infrastructure Protection standard.
A new report by the successor to the Cyberspace Solarium Commission warned that utilities’ relationships with the E-ISAC are not as strong as they could be.
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