FERC approved two new standards outlining how entities must conduct energy reliability assessments to identify potential future emergencies.
NERC has submitted for FERC's approval two standards that would require balancing authorities to perform regular energy reliability assessments.
NERC's trustees took action on a number of standards items, along with multiple organizational items, in the last board meeting of 2024.
NERC's Standards Committee passed a slate of actions in its monthly meeting.
NERC's inverter-based resources ride-through standard will go out for industry comments and ballots, Standards Committee Chair Todd Bennett told members.
FERC finalized new mandatory reliability standards aimed at ensuring utilities do not cut off power to critical natural gas infrastructure during cold weather events.
NERC's Board of Trustees accepted the latest proposed cold weather standards, which will now be sent to FERC for final approval.
Speakers at the North American Generator Forum’s annual Compliance Conference acknowledged “the volume of [standards development] projects has increased over the last two years” at NERC.
NERC's trustees met in Ottawa to approve changes to the organization's standards development process and the final 2024 budget.
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