July 3, 2024


Balloting Opening on Cloud Services Standards
Balloting on the second draft of NERC’s proposed CIP standards for cloud computing will begin Sept. 11 after the first draft was rejected by stakeholders.
Industry Pushes Back on FERC Cyber Incentives
Comments on FERC’s proposals for encouraging cybersecurity investments reveal widespread misgivings about the commission’s framework.
Expert Warns Utilities Remain Vulnerable to Cyberattack
Utilities looking to fortify their systems against cyberattacks must consider security measures in addition to NERC’s CIP standards.
Reliability Guidelines, Standards Posted for Comment
NERC opened comment periods for proposed reliability guidelines on winter weather readiness and supply chain procurement.
PJM Consumer Advocates Seek New Venue for CIP Talks
PJM’s consumer advocates proposed changing the venue for discussions on NERC’s reliability standard on critical transmission facilities.
NERC Opens Comments on SOL Proposals
NERC is requesting comments from stakeholders on changes to proposed updates to the requirements for determining and communicating system operating limits.
AEP, DTE, Others Face NERC Penalties
FERC accepted settlements for violations of NERC reliability standards, with AEP, DTE, Eversource, PGE and Exelon among those hit with monetary penalties.
FERC Seeks Comments on Cyber Investment Incentives
FERC is seeking comment on a proposed incentive framework for utilities making cybersecurity investments above the requirements of NERC’s CIP standards.
FERC Starts Inquiry on CIP Standards
FERC issued a NOI seeking comments on potential gaps in NERC’s critical infrastructure protection standards and what actions it may need to take.
NERC Pushes Back on New CIP Standard Challenge
NERC has asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to dismiss a complaint brought by security activist Michael Mabee against the ERO’s CIP standards.

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