July 30, 2024

ERO Insider

CISA Releases Pandemic Guidelines for Control Centers
The Department of Homeland Security’s CISA has provided a list of guidelines for safely operating control centers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Utilities Alarmed as FCC Opens 6 GHz Band to Wi-Fi
The FCC agreed to open a portion of the 6-GHz band for unlicensed use over the objections of utilities, which fear communications in the spectrum could be disrupted.
RAS Balancing COVID-19 Impacts in Reliability Report
The team working on NERC’s Summer Reliability Assessment expects it to be ready by May 1, even as it incorporates the COVID-19 pandemic impact into its projections.
PPE, Testing Top Coronavirus Concerns for NERC
Ensuring access to testing and PPE for frontline workers is one of the key challenges to reliable operation during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to NERC.
Western Resource Adequacy Program in the Works
The Northwest Power Pool is planning a resource adequacy program to ensure sufficient capacity at a time of increasing retirements and shifts toward renewable energy.
FERC Agrees to Defer Standards Implementation
FERC has agreed to NERC's request to defer the implementation of seven reliability standards scheduled to take effect this year.
MISO Monitor Rebuffed on PJM Pseudo-ties
FERC rejected a complaint by MISO’s Independent Market Monitor that PJM’s pseudo-tie requirement for external capacity resources is unjust and unreasonable.
NERC White Paper Examines Fast Frequency Response
Utilities must prepare for the reliability challenges that increased penetration of inverter-based resources will pose, according to a NERC white paper.
April Ballot Planned for SOL Standards
A proposed update to the requirements for system operating limits will open for a 45-day comment period and formal ballot period beginning April 23.
Align Tool Set for 2021 Rollout
The release of NERC’s Align software project has been pushed back again, from this year to the first quarter of 2021.

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