July 30, 2024

ERO Insider

FERC Backs Latest NAESB Rules
FERC proposed adopting the latest updates to the North American Energy Standards Board’s Standards for Business Practices and Communication Protocols for Public Utilities.
AVR Standards Team Faces Industry Pushback
Stakeholders criticized the team working on revisions to NERC’s standard for protection functions in automatic voltage regulators for expanding the project's scope.
FERC Accepts New Inverter Standard
FERC approved NERC reliability standard PRC-024-3, capping a two-year effort to ensure that inverter-based resources can continue to support grid stability.
WECC: Operators Caused Unneeded Load Sheds
System operators in WECC were too quick to declare energy emergency alerts during recent events, resulting in unnecessary load sheds, according to NERC.
NERC Issues Level 2 Supply Chain Alert
NERC issued its second Level 2 alert of the year to gather data on the BPS’ exposure to “foreign adversaries” in response to an executive order.
Pandemic Poses Long-term Reliability Challenges
Participants in the first panel of FERC’s two-day technical conference on the impacts of COVID-19 struck a hopeful tone, but also said caution is needed.
FERC Approves SERC’s Bylaw Changes
FERC has approved a set of amendments to SERC Reliability’s bylaws aimed at creating “a more strategic, efficient and effective governance body.”
NWPP RA Effort Quickly Ramping Up
NWPP members discussed a proposed resource adequacy program that would create a “binding” capacity mechanism for summer and winter.
NERC Opens Comments on SOL Proposals
NERC is requesting comments from stakeholders on changes to proposed updates to the requirements for determining and communicating system operating limits.
AEP, DTE, Others Face NERC Penalties
FERC accepted settlements for violations of NERC reliability standards, with AEP, DTE, Eversource, PGE and Exelon among those hit with monetary penalties.

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