July 30, 2024

ERO Insider

FERC, NERC Offer Cyber Supply Chain Guidance
FERC and NERC published a white paper on ways utilities can identify the manufacturers of equipment used in their computer networks.
Resource Shifts Driving Grid Planning Changes
Winter is replacing summer as the period of greatest stress on the BPS thanks to a diversity of fuel sources, NERC’s State of Reliability Report said.
Robb Sees Need for Remote Grid Operations
Industry needs to improve its ties to state officials, maintain vigilance on cybersecurity, and develop plans to operate control rooms remotely, NERC CEO Jim Robb said.
AEMO: Vigilance Required on Inverter Makers
A representative of the Australian Energy Market Operator provided NERC with insights on Australia's high penetration of DERs, especially rooftop solar.
Government Urges Action on Cyber Threats
NISA and CISA are warning critical infrastructure facilities to “take immediate actions” to secure operational technology assets against cyber threats.
Court Review Sought on FCC Spectrum Decision
Utilities asked the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn the FCC’s ruling opening a portion of the 6-GHz band for unlicensed use.
PJM Consumer Advocates Seek New Venue for CIP Talks
PJM’s consumer advocates proposed changing the venue for discussions on NERC’s reliability standard on critical transmission facilities.
NERC Standards Committee Briefs: July 22, 2020
NERC’s Standards Committee expects to bring five standards development projects to a final ballot by the end of the year despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
Industry Seeks Clarity on Supply Chain Orders
Efforts to ensure the security of the BPS run the risk of hampering utilities’ ability to operate effectively, representatives warned at NARUC’s Summer Policy Summit.
NERC: Post-COVID Budget Rises Likely
NERC is planning for budget rises of 5% in both 2022 and 2023, in part because of deferring certain investments to keep its budget stable from 2020 to 2021.

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