March 1, 2025

ERO Insider

City of Spokane
Avista Orders Blackouts as Temperatures Soar
Thousands of customers of Avista Utilities lost power during a record-smashing heat wave when the utility ordered rolling blackouts in Spokane, Wash.
Western RA Planners Turn to Organization Details
Presenters at a webinar shared details about the proposed organizational structure for the Northwest Power Pool's proposed resource adequacy program.
SERC Board of Directors Briefs: June 24, 2021
Members of SERC Reliability's Board of Directors approved the regional entity's 2022 budget and business plan on Thursday, along with a new regional standard.
E-ISAC Aims to Bolster Industry Threat Intel Efforts
Both the E-ISAC and cybersecurity firm Dragos see their recently announced collaboration as just a stepping stone to future cyber intelligence partnerships.
Glick Says West Should ‘Finish the Job’ on RTO
FERC Chairman Richard Glick says "the time is right for the states, the region’s utilities and other key stakeholders" to form one or more Western RTOs.
SPP CEO Pitches WECC on Western Benefits
SPP CEO Barbara Sugg briefed WECC’s Board of Directors last week on the RTO’s efforts in the Western Interconnection and potential benefits for stakeholders there, including full membership in SPP’s proposed RTO West. SPP operates as a reliability coordinator in parts of the West and is helping the Northwest Power Pool develop a multistate resource …
Georgia Power
Southern Faces NRC Inspection over Vogtle Repair Work
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced  that it will conduct a special inspection at the Vogtle 3 nuclear reactor, currently under construction in Georgia.
​Daniel Case, CC BY-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Denies Citizen’s Complaint over Indian Point Closure
Another complaint aimed at stopping the shutdown of a nuclear power plant on reliability grounds met its end at FERC's monthly open meeting.
Ross123540, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Standards Committee Delays Action on AVR Standard
NERC's Standards Committee once again registered disapproval of a standard project team's response to industry feedback, but it stopped short of ending it.
Pierre75000, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
E-ISAC Joins Dragos for Data Sharing Initiative
Cybersecurity firm Dragos has partnered with NERC's E-ISAC for an initiative to spread up-to-date cyber threat intelligence across the electric grid.

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