July 24, 2024

ERO Insider

WECC Heat Wave Analysis Evokes Calls for Caution, not Celebration
WECC directors said that Westerners should take cold comfort from the fact that grid operators were able to avert blackouts during a September heat wave.
Duke Energy
Duke Completes Power Restoration After NC Substation Attack
Duke Energy has restored power to 45,000 customers in Moore County, N.C., where  two substations were damaged by unknown attackers with rifles last weekend.
FERC-DOE Technical Conference Considers New Standards for Supply Chain Threats
Supply chain threats have evolved since FERC directed NERC to develop standards covering them, but there's no consensus on whether they should be updated.
NERC RSTC Briefs: Dec. 6-7, 2022
NERC’s Reliability and Security Technical Committee voted to endorse two standard authorization requests focused on inverter-based resources.
DangApricot, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
FirstEnergy to Pay $700K Penalty to ReliabilityFirst
FERC approved a $700,000 penalty on FirstEnergy as part of a settlement with ReliabilityFirst for violations of facility ratings standards.
Duke Energy
Duke: NC Outages from Attacks May Last Until Thursday
More than 33,000 customers remain without power in Moore County, N.C., following apparent attacks on two of Duke Energy’s substations over the weekend.
NERC Report Recommends No Change to DER Study Thresholds
A new NERC study rejects the idea that utilities can safely leave some DER out of interconnection studies without affecting the accuracy of their models.
FERC IDs Deficiencies in Western RA Program
FERC asked for more information on the Western Resource Adequacy Program, including how it would accommodate participants without market-based rate authority.
NERC Calls for Flexibility in CISA Cyber Reporting Rules
Any new cyber incident reporting requirements for critical infrastructure must be drafted to avoid overlap with existing regulations, the ERO told CISA.
DOE Opens Applications for $6B in Grid Funding
DOE invited applications for $6 billion in funding to improve the grid, part of the largest federal investment ever in transmission and distribution.

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