July 31, 2024

ERO Insider

Standards Committee Briefs: Aug. 21, 2019
The Standards Committee approved the posting of a report recommending new evidence retention rules and rejected a SAR on frequency response.
Western RC Transition Moves into 2nd Phase
RC West staff briefed its Oversight Committee on its launch of reliability coordinator services in CAISO and the progress of its Phase 2 expansion.
Déjà vu for Winterization Standard?
Regulators’ call for a generator weatherization requirement faces an uphill battle if history and feedback at last week’s MRC meeting is any indication.
NERC Board Hears Debate over Committee Reorg.
NERC’s Board of Trustees got to hear first-hand some of the concerns over the proposed merger of its three technical committees,
‘Interdependencies’ Joins RISC’s List
The Reliability Issues Steering Committee has added a 10th risk — critical infrastructure interdependencies — to the nine previously identified.
SERC Rethinking Board After FRCC Integration
Less than two months after taking over the footprint of FRCC, SERC is planning changes to its board structure and operations, CEO Jason Blake said.
NERC Board of Trustees, MRC Briefs: Aug. 14-15, 2019
NERC’s Board of Trustees and MRC held their meetings, with discussions on wireless spectrum, cybersecurity and the EMP Task Force.
NERC Board OKs Budget, Supply Chain Inquiry
NERC’s Board approved the ERO 2020 budgets and a data request on supply chain issues before saying goodbye to its retiring general counsel.
Wildfire Danger Dialogue Advances up the West Coast
West Coast utility regulators held a “wildfire dialogue," bringing together utility and fire science experts to discuss ways to reduce the danger.
Certification Team Checks SPP’s Western RC Function
The certification process for SPP’s reliability coordination function in the Western Interconnection began with an on-site visit by two dozen industry reps.

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