July 31, 2024

ERO Insider

Situational Awareness Tool Nears Rollout
NERC will begin testing a new version of its situational awareness tool in mid-November, adding the ability to integrate transmission feeds.
Oscillation Event Points to Need for Better Diagnostics
Grid operators and generators need more granular, real-time data to respond to grid oscillation events, engineers on a NERC panel said.
Operating Reliability Subcomm. Briefs: Sept. 4, 2019
Members of the ORS appeared to reach consensus on the need for an emergency conference call procedure for RCs to supplement the existing NERC hotline.
Solar Growth Continues as Wind Slows
Solar generation is continuing to accelerate, but onshore wind appears to be losing momentum, RTO officials told NERC's Operating Reliability Subcommittee.
ERCOT, SPP, CAISO Recount Summer Challenges
CAISO and BC Hydro recounted their first challenges as newly minted reliability coordinators (RC's), while ERCOT and SPP talked about a tough summer.
EMP Task Force Calls for Federal Funding
The grid cannot be protected against EMPs without guaranteed cost recovery and more access to classified information, NERC’s EMP Task Force concluded.
Critics: EPRI EMP Report Understates Risks
EPRI's report on EMPs underestimated the risks the grid faces, according to a critique by a little-known group with ties to Maxwell Air Force Base.
Texas Reliability Entity Briefs: Aug. 27, 2019
At the Texas Reliability Entity’s quarterly meetings, stakeholders raised concerns over the region’s representation before NERC, claiming it has an Eastern bias.
FERC, NERC Propose New CIP Disclosure Rules
FERC and NERC are proposing to change how they disclose info on violations of CIP standards by seeking a better balance of "security and transparency.”
Plan for ‘Critical’ Tx Stirs Transparency Concerns
PJM stakeholders expressed concern that proposed plans for eliminating vulnerabilities to "critical" transmission assets could undermine transparency rules.

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