July 31, 2024

ERO Insider

NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Nov. 12-13, 2019
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee continued to work on ISO-NE’s proposed Energy Security Improvements proposal.
Online Voting Tops WECC MAC Charter Proposals
Members of the WECC Member Advisory Committee heard a number of proposed changes to their charter, most prominently a plan to authorize electronic voting.
GridEx V Throws New Tech Curveball
A simulated social media hack was among the surprises at GridEx V, the latest NERC exercise testing industry preparedness for cyber and physical attacks.
Mendonca Named NERC General Counsel
NERC's Board of Trustees promoted Sonia Mendonca to general counsel following a nationwide search.
Overheard at National Academies’ Cyber Hearing
Limits of grid exercises and simulation tools, and the need to prepare for a cyberattack were themes at the National Academies’ conference on grid security.
Ballot Opens on Proposed GMD Revisions
NERC opened a ballot on a proposal requiring entities that fail to meet performance requirements for “supplemental” GMD events to develop corrective plans.
CAISO Black Start Project Must Divulge Cost Info
FERC accepted an agreement between CAISO and a Calpine plant to provide black start service, but agreed that more cost information was needed.
Strategy Plan Prompts ‘Cost-benefit’ Discussion at MRC
Stakeholders discussed if it is feasible to apply cost-benefit analyses to reliability standards during a briefing on the ERO Enterprise Long-Term Strategy.
FERC Staff Explore Barriers to Grid-enhancing Tech
Representatives from utilities, RTOs and technology vendors gathered at FERC headquarters for a workshop to discuss the role of grid-enhancing technologies.
Board Warily Accepts EMP Task Force Report
NERC’s trustees accepted the EMP Task Force's report but did not endorse the panel’s suggestions, saying it will consider them after reviewing comments.

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