January 16, 2025

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 

FERC OKs SERC’s Expansion into Florida
FERC approved SERC Reliability as the regional entity for all of Florida, replacing FRCC.
EPRI Report Downplays Worst-Case EMP Scenario
An EPRI study concluded that a high-altitude nuclear explosion could cause a multi-state outage but not the lengthy blackout some observers have feared.
Duquesne Light Co.
FERC OKs NERC Violation Settlements
FERC accepted settlements with Duquesne Light Co. and an unnamed municipal utility in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council for violations of NERC reliability standards.
FERC Proposes Revisions to NERC CIP Standard
FERC called for two changes to NERC’s draft CIP standard governing the security of communications between control centers.
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Feds Late to Act on Drone Threat, DHS Official Says
Brian Harrell, assistant director for the Department of Homeland Security, lamented the government’s tardy response to the security threat of drones.
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DOE’s Walker Sees Big Cuts in Storage Costs
Assistant Energy Secretary Bruce Walker said the DOE is planning a megawatt-scale “Storage Launchpad” that will cut the cost of energy storage dramatically.
Changing Grid Calls for New Models, Mindset, Officials Say
Speakers at NERC’s biennial Reliability Leadership Summit talked about the impact of the new U.S. resource mix and distributed generation on the grid.
Green ‘Moon Shot’ not Possible, Physicist Tells NERC Forum
Physicist Mark P. Mills gave the NERC Reliability Leadership Summit a blistering critique, saying a rapid shift from hydrocarbons is delusional.
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NERC Chief: No ‘Appetite’ for Expanding Authority
NERC CEO Jim Robb said he sees no “appetite” among policymakers for expanding the organization’s authority despite concerns over the visibility of distributed energy resources.
Senators Call for Urgency on Energy Cybersecurity
Members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee are worried FERC and NERC are not treating the threat of cyberattacks with enough urgency.

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