FERC & Federal
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities.
The NRC briefed FERC on its plans to replace its time-intensive inspections of licensees’ cybersecurity plans with a more “risk-informed” approach.
The leaders of the Senate ENR Committee announced legislation to provide $250 million in funding for transmission owners cybersecurity investments.
The grid cannot be protected against EMPs without guaranteed cost recovery and more access to classified information, NERC’s EMP Task Force concluded.
EPRI's report on EMPs underestimated the risks the grid faces, according to a critique by a little-known group with ties to Maxwell Air Force Base.
FERC and NERC are proposing to change how they disclose info on violations of CIP standards by seeking a better balance of "security and transparency.”
Regulators’ call for a generator weatherization requirement faces an uphill battle if history and feedback at last week’s MRC meeting is any indication.
Utilities must train their employees and become less wary of sharing information with other companies, cybersecurity experts told MARC in Des Moines.
Most computer users practice poor password security, and many working in IT and security would not recognize a phishing attempt.
DOE celebrated its research collaborations with the electric industry at the annual National Labs Day, featuring remarks by members of Congress.
State regulators considered the impact of a prolonged blackout for about half the country during NARUC’s first-ever “black sky” exercise.
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