October 1, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 

EEI Panel: Public-private Trust Key to Cyber Survival
Trust and collaboration between the private and public sectors is more important than ever for guarding against cyberattacks.
Texas Reliability Entity Briefs: Sept. 3, 2020
NERC CEO Jim Robb clarified the ERO's response to President Trump’s executive order regarding the supply chain during a governance meeting.
Stakeholders Speak out on FERC CIP Concerns
Responses to FERC’s NOI on potential gaps in NERC’s CIP standards reveal widespread reluctance on stakeholders toward enhancing the standards.
FERC OKs Penalties from Texas RE, WECC
FERC accepted settlements by NERC between Texas RE and several entities, as well as one by WECC, for violations of FAC and CIP standards.
Hitachi ABB Joins Supply Chain Security Network
Hitachi ABB Power Grids agreed to join the Asset to Vendor Network for Power Utilities, a cybersecurity-focused information sharing network.
No Further Deferments for NERC Standards
NERC CEO Jim Robb said the ERO will not request further delays for seven standards that were deferred earlier this year.
Industry Pushes Back on FERC Cyber Incentives
Comments on FERC’s proposals for encouraging cybersecurity investments reveal widespread misgivings about the commission’s framework.
Senators Press DOE, PJM on Cybersecurity Testing
Expressing concern over the bulk power system’s preparedness for a cyberattack, members of a Senate energy panel grilled PJM and DOE officials.
FERC, NERC Offer Cyber Supply Chain Guidance
FERC and NERC published a white paper on ways utilities can identify the manufacturers of equipment used in their computer networks.
Robb Sees Need for Remote Grid Operations
Industry needs to improve its ties to state officials, maintain vigilance on cybersecurity, and develop plans to operate control rooms remotely, NERC CEO Jim Robb said.

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