September 30, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 

ITC Holdings
ITC to Pay $20k for NERC Standards Violations
FERC OK'd a settlement between ReliabilityFirst and ITC Transmission for violations of NERC reliability standards at the Dearborn Industrial Generation site.
Cross-Sound Cable Co.
DC Circuit Shoots down NE Utilities on CIP Cost Recovery Cutoff Date
Utilities cannot recover prior costs of complying with NERC's critical infrastructure protection standards in ISO-NE, the D.C. Circuit Court said.
Utilities Warned of Cyberattacks amid Russia Tensions
As fears of Russian military action against Ukraine rise, the U.S. government is urging cyber readiness at the nation's critical infrastructure operators.
Everett Chamber of Commerce
New England’s Reliability Debate Bleeds into FERC Compressor Decision
FERC’s Republican minority is arguing that the commission’s recent decision on the Weymouth Compressor Station is leading to uncertainty for gas developers.
FERC Proposes New Cybersecurity Standard
In light of recent cyberattacks, FERC is calling for new standards that would require entities to monitor their internal computer networks for intrusions.
House Energy and Commerce Committee
Glick Touts Gas Pipeline Reliability Organization Before Congress
FERC Chair Richard Glick lobbied for an ERO-like entity to set mandatory standards for gas pipelines before the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Western RA Program Readies Governance
The Northwest Power Pool’s Western Resource Adequacy Program is forming stakeholder committees to nominate directors and shape program design.
Alaska Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities
Researchers: New Policies, Data Needed to Respond to Climate Threats
Government officials and utility planners lack the tools and policies needed to address climate change's increasing threat, researchers told the EBA.
Santee Cooper
FERC Approves $40K Penalty for Santee Cooper
FERC approved a $40,000 penalty against South Carolina utility Santee Cooper for violations of NERC reliability standards spanning more than 14 years.
AEP to Pay $570K in NERC Penalties
FERC last week approved penalties against utilities in the footprints of ReliabilityFirst, MRO, and WECC for violations of NERC reliability standards.

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