January 11, 2025

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 

DangApricot, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
FirstEnergy to Pay $700K Penalty to ReliabilityFirst
FERC approved a $700,000 penalty on FirstEnergy as part of a settlement with ReliabilityFirst for violations of facility ratings standards.
Duke Energy
Duke: NC Outages from Attacks May Last Until Thursday
More than 33,000 customers remain without power in Moore County, N.C., following apparent attacks on two of Duke Energy’s substations over the weekend.
DOE Opens Applications for $6B in Grid Funding
DOE invited applications for $6 billion in funding to improve the grid, part of the largest federal investment ever in transmission and distribution.
FERC Addresses IBRs in Multiple Orders
At its open meeting, FERC significantly advanced NERC’s remit to address the challenges posed by the growth of renewables on the bulk electric system.
FERC Panelists Talk Cyber, Grid Transformation Challenges
At FERC’s annual reliability technical conference, commissioners focused on work needed to prepare the bulk power system for rapidly developing challenges.
ERO Backs Latest FERC Cyber Incentives Proposal
NERC and the REs expressed support for FERC's proposal to incentivize voluntary cybersecurity investments, while urging it to also build on existing standards.
FERC Orders Clarification in ERO Budget Filing
The commission ordered the ERO to submit an array of additional information on costs related to the E-ISAC in its 2023 budget.
FERC Approves Penalties in SERC, RF Footprints
Entergy will have to pay SERC $60,000 in penalties for violating NERC reliability standards, according to a Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty for September.
Jim.henderson, CC0 1.0 Universal via Wikimedia Commons
National Grid to Pay $512k for Standards Violations
National Grid USA must pay $512,000 in penalties to NPCC for violations of NERC reliability standards, under a settlement approved by FERC.
U.S. Energy Association
ESSC To-do List: Labor Shortage, Forest Management, Transformers
The Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council is discussing how the industry can deploy newfound federal funding to accelerate the energy transition.

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