September 28, 2024

Regional Entities

Western RC Transition Moves into 2nd Phase
RC West staff briefed its Oversight Committee on its launch of reliability coordinator services in CAISO and the progress of its Phase 2 expansion.
SERC Rethinking Board After FRCC Integration
Less than two months after taking over the footprint of FRCC, SERC is planning changes to its board structure and operations, CEO Jason Blake said.
Wildfire Danger Dialogue Advances up the West Coast
West Coast utility regulators held a “wildfire dialogue," bringing together utility and fire science experts to discuss ways to reduce the danger.
Certification Team Checks SPP’s Western RC Function
The certification process for SPP’s reliability coordination function in the Western Interconnection began with an on-site visit by two dozen industry reps.
NPCC Workshop Examines DER Reliability Issues
NPCC's Regional Standards Committee held a forum on reliability issues related to DERs, featuring presentations by Hydro-Quebec, Duke and IESO.
MARC Panel: Cybersecurity Takes Training, Sharing
Utilities must train their employees and become less wary of sharing information with other companies, cybersecurity experts told MARC in Des Moines.
Forecasting, Cooperation Key to Calif. Climate Challenges
California must find new approaches to long-term forecasting and collaboration, speakers said at a California Energy Commission workshop.
SERC Draws Lessons from Arkansas Sabotage
SERC Reliability used part of its quarterly open forum to provide lessons learned from a series of attacks on Arkansas’ power grid in 2013.
MISO to Cease GADS Reporting
MISO will next year discontinue submitting data to NERC’s Generating Availability Data System on behalf of generation in its footprint.
High Temps Put Con Ed on the Hot Seat Again
Con Edison remained on the hot seat after power outages hit 50,000 customers Sunday night, the second major outage in less than a week.

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