December 26, 2024

Regional Entities

Texas RE
Texas RE Board of Trustees Briefs: Aug. 18, 2021
A joint inquiry on the devastating effects of Winter Storm Uri will “clearly” call for “reforms in multiple areas,” NERC CEO Jim Robb said.
Elisa Ferrari/SCE
Southern California Edison to Install 4,500 Miles of Covered Conductor
The CPUC approved the state's largest rollout of covered conductor, with Southern California Edison planning to install 4,500 miles, costing nearly $2 billion.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
ERO Entities Remain Cautious on Return to Office
NERC and the REs won't have large face-to-face meetings anytime soon because of the surge in COVID-19 cases fueled by the more infectious delta variant.
SPP to Operate NWPP’s Resource Adequacy Program
SPP continues to spread its footprint with an announcement Tuesday that it will operate Northwest Power Pool’s resource adequacy (RA) program in the Western Interconnection. The RTO will work with NWPP and its RA participants to help develop, implement and operate the program. As a program operator, SPP will perform forward-showing and operations program functions, …
Washington State Department of Transportation
Wildfires Raise Concerns for Western Transmission Lines
The near shutdown of the California-Oregon Intertie by a wildfire renewed concerns about the vulnerability of major transmission pathways.
Webinar Participants Warn Against Fading Memories, Complacency in Cold Weather Prep
Texas utility representatives warned that efforts to avert future extreme weather crises could falter as memories of February's cold snap fade.
© RTO Insider LLC
NARUC, NRRI Produce RA Primer for Commissioners
NARUC and NRRI introduced a document intended to help regulatory commissioners get up to speed on pressing topics related to resource adequacy.
© RTO Insider LLC
NARUC: Crisis Response Needs Cross-industry Collaboration
Utilities and their regulators are becoming more comfortable with direct cooperation in response to disasters, panelists told NARUC's Summer Policy Summit.
Release 2 of ERO Align Tool Goes Live for All Regions
NERC and the ERO Enterprise have activated the second stage of the Align tool, which is expected to streamline compliance reporting across regions.
Texas RE
Texas RE: Don’t Wait on NERC Cold-weather Standards
Texas RE's site visits will continue as it waits for the NERC cold-weather standards to become requirements.

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