March 6, 2025

Regional Entities

NERC Physical Security Reports: Drones, Target Practice and Petty Thefts
Wayward drones, copper thefts and gun shots at transmission lines — they're all part of the territory for NERC's Bulk Power Situational Awareness unit.
Dragos Chief: Pipedream ‘Ominous,’ But Not Overwhelming
Malware discovered this year with the capacity to disrupt operational technology systems must be taken seriously, the head of cybersecurity firm Dragos said.
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SERC Board of Directors Briefs: Sept. 22, 2022
SERC CEO Jason Blake reminded attendees “to celebrate our successes” in maintaining grid reliability this summer at the Board of Directors meeting.
FERC Seeking Solutions for New England Winter Reliability
FERC’s members discussed New England's winter fuel security problems and once again highlighted the commission's philosophical divide along party lines.
WPP Shares First Stats from Western RA Program
WPP's Western Resource Adequacy Program issued its first findings, a broad survey of capacity and needs across much of the Western Interconnection.
WECC Explores Greater Role in Transmission Planning
WECC said it struck “gold” from the details it gleaned from stakeholder interviews on the greatest challenges to transmission planning in the West.
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WECC Forum Elicits Hopes, Fears About Future of Electric Sector
At its first in-person gathering since the onset the pandemic, WECC convened a forum to learn what keeps members up at night when they think of the future.
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FERC Comes to Vermont and Leaves with a New England-sized Headache
Experts, analysts and lobbyists convened with FERC in Vermont to talk about the issues facing New England’s electric grid in the winter.
Jasonbook99, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ERO Supports FERC Weather Assessment Proposal
The ERO is supporting FERC’s proposal requiring transmission providers to outline plans to assess their vulnerability to extreme weather and mitigate any risks.
Xcel Energy
NERC Warns of Fuel Shortages Going into Winter
NERC hasn't yet issued its annual Winter Reliability Assessment, but it's clear that it is concerned about the electric industry’s readiness for severe weather.

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