January 11, 2025


NERC Sees Summer Risks for Texas, Calif.
Most regions will meet their summer peaks but Texas and California are at risk, NERC said in its 2019 Summer Reliability Assessment.
New RCs Tell WECC Transition on Schedule
The key players in the Western reliability coordinator transition told WECC they’re on track to take over on a staggered timeline from July to December.
New RCs Tell WECC Transition on Schedule
The key players in the Western reliability coordinator transition told WECC that they’re largely on track to take over from Peak Reliability.
RC West Moving Smoothly Toward July Handover
CAISO’s RC West has been shadowing Peak Reliability as the ISO prepares to take over reliability coordinator functions by the end of this year.
SPP Western Reliability Briefs: Week of May 13, 2019
Southwest Power Pool staff shared a proposed “modification oversight process” with its Western reliability coordination customers.
WECC Summit Explores Rapid Change in the West
Speakers at this year’s Western Reliability Summit discussed the growth of solar, the challenges of cybersecurity and the dangers of climate change.
FERC OKs NERC Violation Settlements
FERC accepted settlements with Duquesne Light Co. and an unnamed municipal utility in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council for violations of NERC reliability standards.
SPP on Track for WECC RC Certification
SPP said it is confident it will meet its first major target in providing reliability coordination services to 12% of the Western Interconnection’s load.
Canadians Seek Inclusion in Cybersecurity Meetings
Canadian Electricity Association CEO Sergio Marchi complained that he and other Canadian stakeholders have been excluded from cybersecurity briefings.
Sept. 4 Key Date for Potential Western RC Providers
How many RCs there will be in the Western Interconnection, and who they are, should come into better focus on Sept. 4, said WECC CEO Melanie Frye.

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