FERC accepted settlements by NERC between Texas RE and several entities, as well as one by WECC, for violations of FAC and CIP standards.
Utilities in the Western Interconnection continue to use outdated models for their solar and wind generation resources, according to NERC and WECC.
WECC waded into California’s wildfire troubles in an effort to understand how catastrophic blazes could affect reliability and how to protect the grid.
WECC is seeking stakeholder comments on a draft strategic plan that seeks to build on NERC’s ERO Enterprise Long-Term Strategy.
Winter is replacing summer as the period of greatest stress on the BPS thanks to a diversity of fuel sources, NERC’s State of Reliability Report said.
System operators in WECC were too quick to declare energy emergency alerts during recent events, resulting in unnecessary load sheds, according to NERC.
NWPP members discussed a proposed resource adequacy program that would create a “binding” capacity mechanism for summer and winter.
FERC accepted settlements for violations of NERC reliability standards, with AEP, DTE, Eversource, PGE and Exelon among those hit with monetary penalties.
The California PUC rejected a huge boost in megawatts for the San Francisco Bay Area that CAISO insists NERC and WECC reliability standards require.
WECC took a step further into its role as RA monitor after its board approved a resolution listing the risk factors it plans to prioritize.
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