January 10, 2025


Western BAs Lauded for Coordination During Heat Wave
RC West praised its members for collaborating to manage the Western heat wave in mid-August that prompted CAISO to initiate rolling blackouts
Avista Wildfire Resiliency Plan Takes on Growing Risk
Heather Rosentrater shared Avista's plan for wildfire risk mitigation at NARUC's Annual Meeting and Education Conference.
Work Gets Underway for WECC Path Task Force
WECC’s new Path Task Force kicked off an effort to examine the role of transmission path rating procedures in the Western Interconnection.
WECC Members Seek More Time, Input on SETF Plan
Stakeholders voiced concern that WECC will move too fast and cut too deep with a plan to sweepingly reform its committee structure.
Plan Would Consolidate, Cull WECC Stakeholder Groups
WECC’s Stakeholder Engagement Task Force has proposed making sweeping changes to the regional entity’s stakeholder group structure.
WECC Examining August Heat Wave with West-wide Lens
WECC will take an interconnection-wide approach as it analyzes the events from an August heat wave that prompted CAISO to initiate rolling blackouts.
FERC Approves WECC Contingency Reserve Standard
FERC gave WECC the go-ahead to introduce a new version of its reliability standard regarding contingency reserves.
FERC Accepts WECC Violation Settlement
FERC approved a settlement between WECC and an unnamed entity in the Western Interconnection for violations of NERC’s CIP reliability standards.
WECC Board Approves New Chair, Long-term Strategy
WECC Board Chair Kristine Hafner yielded her position to Vice Chair Ian McKay at the regional entity's annual meeting.
New WECC Task Force to Examine Path Rating Processes
WECC’s Joint Guidance Committee approved a task force to examine the “relevance and role” of several transmission rating procedures.

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