July 7, 2024

NERC & Committees

The North American Electric Reliability Corp., a not-for-profit authority, regulates reliability and security standards for the bulk power system in the continental U.S., Canada, and the northern portion of Baja California, Mexico. NERC is subject to oversight by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and governmental authorities in Canada
NERC Investigating Chinese Tie to Software Vendor
NERC is investigating Chinese ties to the vendor it selected for a high-profile software project, the Western Electricity Coordinating Council learned.
Three NERC Committees Likely to Merge
NERC is likely to merge its Planning, Operating and Critical Infrastructure Protection committees into a single Reliability Council.
Panel: Action Needed in Response to Oscillation Event
A NERC subcommittee says the Jan. 11 Eastern Interconnection oscillation event has identified the need to improve data sharing and guidance for responding.
Standing-room Only for NERC EMP Meeting
NERC’s task force on electromagnetic pulses will hold its first face-to-face meeting at the ERO's offices in D.C. on June 12.
NERC Planning Committee Briefs: June 4-5, 2019
A roundup of NERC's June 4-5 Planning Committee meeting, including discussions on the import of reliability guidance documents.
NERC Operating Committee Briefs: June 4-5, 2019
NERC's Operating Committee approved several guidance documents during its two-day meeting in Orlando, the last for outgoing Chair Lloyd Linke.
ERO Budgets up 3.8%; Assessments up 2.9%
NERC and the regional entities are proposing almost $207 million in spending in 2020, a 3.8% increase, while assessments are projected to increase by 2.9%.
NERC Seeking New CFO, Counsel in Apparent Shakeup
NERC is looking for a new CFO and general counsel, allowing CEO Jim Robb to reshape the organization’s senior management as he enters his second year.
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NERC Technology & Security Committee Briefs: May 8, 2019
GridEx V will see increased international participation, including the possible use of “active injects” from Australia and New Zealand to simulate a “worldwide assault … on Western civilization.”
NERC Standards News Briefs: May 8-9, 2019
The NERC Board of Trustees approve a supply chain report and a new standard on third-party transient electronic devices while eliminating 84 requirements.

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